16 year-old antifa stabbed to death in Madrid

Three Way Fight


70 years on and within Spain there is still struggle with fascism. Fascist groups, like others across Europe, are organizing on anti-immigration grounds. Both in the streets and at the ballot boxes, fascist groups are leveling attacks against Arabs, South Americans, Asians and Africans. November also includes the dates of death of two of Spanish fascisms icons, General Franco and the radical Falange movements leader, Primo de Rivera. The following info is from the site, Slackbastard. In Berlin antifascist skinheads, RASH, held a demo in remembrance of Carlos.

“On November 11 in Madrid, a local neo-Nazi party, Democracia Nacional, organised a public rally, officially in order to protest “anti-Spanish racism” (sic). Madrid antifa organised a counter-protest…

Carlos Javier Palomino was stabbed in the heart… and about six people were injured as the rival groups fought with knives, pepper sprays and fire extinguishers inside a subway train and the Legazpi station, police said.

Police said they arrested a 24-year-old man suspected of killing Palomino.

The man had been beaten by anti-fascists and taken to hospital after the incident, police said.

Hundreds of anti-fascists later fought police with sticks and molotov cocktails as they tried to stop the march by members of a youth wing of the small far-right National Democracy party.”

1 thought on “16 year-old antifa stabbed to death in Madrid”

  1. Also, in recent Euro antifa news:

    “Neo-Nazis, anti-fas clash in Prague —on Kristallnacht anniversary”

    Some 400 neo-Nazis were blocked from marching in Prague by a group of approximately 2,000 anti-fascist activists Nov. 10—the anniversary of Kristallnacht. Six were reported injured in clashes between the two camps. The far-right Young Nationalist Democrats (MND) received back-up from two busloads of German supporters for their march on Prague’s Jewish Quarter. Clashes broke out in front of the 13th-century Old New Synagogue—Europe’s oldest Jewish house of worship—after one of the Nazis used pepper spray against a counter-protester. Two neo-Nazis lay in a pool of blood after being beaten by a group of German anarchists. Police arrested over 40 neo-Nazis, and reported some of them carried weapons such as iron rods and explosives. Prague authorities had banned the march, and sealed off subway stations to prevent neo-Nazis from reaching the quarter.

    The neighborhood also saw a mass prayer in memory of the victims of the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom. Jews and non-Jews alike donned yellow six-pointed stars inscribed with “Jude”—the badge Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis. Several of the speakers, including 80-year-old novelist and Holocaust survivor Arnost Lustig, warned against the re-emergence of Nazism in Europe. “It is great because I remember when we went to the concentration camp, some people just crossed over to the other side of the road,” Lustig said of the turn-out to oppose the neo-Nazis.

    “In the 1930s nobody in Europe took these small bands of fascists seriously and look what happened,” said Alena Hladkova, 33, who turned out for the counter-protest. “So the neo-Nazi movement might be small, but we need to show them they cannot dare desecrate the memory of the Holocaust.”

    Anna Hydrakova, a survivor of the Terezin concentration camp, told the crowd: “I cannot understand after all that has happened here, how neo-Nazis can even exist.” (Haartez, The Independent, Nov. 11)



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