2 articles from the forthcoming issue of WORKERS SOLIDARITY, publication of the anarchosyndicalist Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA) 339 Lafayette Street ..202, NY NY 10012. mailto:wsany@hotmail.com

1) Soldiers of Solidarity: Up from below, rank and filers struggle for a future
by C. Alexander

On October 8, 2005, Delphi Corporation filed for business reorganization under chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code…

The following month during a November 2nd speech to union leaders, international United Auto Worker (UAW) president Ron Gettelfinger, called for a “work to rule” in which auto workers would do the bare minimum of labor required of them…

Within days, militants from the auto industry gave meaning to Gettelfingers words. In a non-UAW sanctioned meeting auto workers said they would organize to fight Delphi. Using Gettelfingers statement as justification, the militants have embarked on a campaign to build a grassroots fighting movement whose aim is to engage and prepare fellow rank and filers for an unfolding struggle to resist corporate attacks both within the auto industry and on the broader working classes.”

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2) Workers of the Skies Unite!: the 2005 Northwest Airlines Strike
by Kdog – Twin Cities IWW GMB Friday

Our perspective… was simple: What will it take to win this strike? It seemed to us that the strike had to impede NWAs ability to operate, it had to start hurting the company. It had to spread to the others sectors of workers at the airports… It had to become an issue of concern and attention for working people generally. It had to create a crisis for the larger capitalist class beyond the NWA board and large stockholders.”

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