The Blanket and the Cartoon Controversy: Anthony McIntyre Interviewed

In March 2006, the online journal, The Blanket, took the decision to publish the cartoons that had caused such controversy earlier that year. As a result, the cartoons were published on a weekly basis alongside profiles of 12 writers who had signed an anti-totalitarianism manifesto – a manifesto written in response to the reaction that the cartoons had generated. Here, Anthony McIntyre, co-editor of The Blanket, talks to The Henry Jackson Society and explains why he felt the cartoons had to be published and the wider debate with which they connect.

from the interview:
Q. Can I ask you more generally how the experience has affected your political views? Also could you say something as to who has been supportive of you and who has been opposed? And has that been surprising?

A.M. Well, the journalistic community, in particular, have been very supportive and it’s interesting too the way the debate has broken down in ‘the Left’. The ‘irrelevant Left’, who are intent on remaining irrelevant, have attacked us. Those who are searching for a different ‘Left’ – a more creative, inventive and imaginative ‘Left’ have been supportive of us. So, in many ways, you find us appearing on websites and appearing in Indymedia, where you might not previously have expected to see The Blanket featured. And out of all this I think there is increasingly a huge cleavage developing here about human rights and freedom of speech, which doesn’t break down along the traditional ‘Left-Right’ divide.

read more at The Blanket

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