Protesters gathered in the street with banners, including one at front that reads "Montréal Antifasciste"

Anti-Fascism and the Three Way Fight in Québec


The ideas advanced in the book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism offer a useful set of tools to examine developments in Québec’s far right and antifascist movement over the past seven years.

Antifascist, Canada, far right, Québec

Frazier Glenn Miller, Nazi violence, and the state

In the 1980s, Frazier Glenn Miller was one of the most prominent white supremacist leaders in the United States. Lately he’s been in the news again — sometimes identified as Miller, sometimes as Frazier Glenn …


Spencer Sunshine on rightists in the Occupy movement

Three Way Fight

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Spencer Sunshine has a good article in the Political Research Associates newsletter (Winter 2014 issue): “The Right Hand of Occupy Wall Street: From Libertarians to Nazis, the Fact and Fiction of Right-Wing Involvement.” As Sunshine …


U.S. fascists debate the conflict in Ukraine

Three Way Fight

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The Ukrainian fascists who helped seize power in Kiev three weeks ago have gotten a strikingly mixed response from U.S. far rightists. Like others across the political spectrum, U.S. fascists are struggling to understand and …


Who are Ukraine’s fascists?

My previous post attempted to make sense of the struggle that recently overthrew Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych. As Tash Shifrin points out, not only did fascist groups play a leading role in this struggle, but …


Ukraine’s upheaval: between fascists, neoliberals, and Kremlin tools

“It is right to be horrified and appalled by the brutality of Yanukovych’s — failed — crackdown, and the huge death toll. No one should support the violence of the state. “But nor should we …


TORCH anti-fascist network forms

Three Way Fight

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Several former chapters of Anti-Racist Action (ARA) have formed a new anti-fascist network called TORCH. They write, “This isn’t a fracture or schism coming from internal strife but the result of the realization that the …


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Contending with the Present and Building a Future for Antifascism in the Pacific Northwest

Three Way Fight

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By Shane Burley This essay is adapted from a talk delivered at the Territories of White Supremacy: Opposing the Far Right in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond conference in Eugene, Oregon on October 13th, 2023. …


Trump’s Gospel: A Review of Jeff Sharlet’s The Undertow

Three Way Fight

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So much has been already said about Donald J. Trump, Trumpism, and the amorphous mass known as his “base” that it hardly seems worth revisiting the topic almost eight years after his fateful descent down Trump Tower’s golden excavator. Just as the 2016 election seemed to confirm everything that virtually everyone had already been saying about US politics for years, so too does Donald Trump today seem self-explanatory.

Book Review, Dave Ranney

Reading Adam Shatz on the war in Gaza

Three Way Fight


by Matthew N. Lyons How do we forcefully make the case to defend the Palestinian people in Gaza against Israel’s increasingly genocidal assault, and also honor the conflict’s heartbreaking contradictions? This is a question I’ve …


Burn the foundation and all that it upholds: an antifascist review of “Tell Me I’m Worthless” by Alison Rumfitt

Three Way Fight

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“The House spreads. Its arteries run throughout the country. Its lifeblood flows into Westminster, into Scotland Yard, into every village and every city. It flows into you, and into your mother. It keeps you alive. …


SHUT IT DOWN! Mass mobilization for Palestine cancels the first day of the 2024 California State Legislature

Xtn Alexander

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For Palestine, hundreds of people took over the California State Capitol on January 3, 2024. The first day of the state’s legislature for the new year, or should we say, the attempted first day. The takeover forced the cancellation of the legislature’s session.

Anti-racist, Anti-Zionist, California, Direct Action, Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Palestine


Scroll to see more and click on a book for more information about it and where to buy it.

Noel Ignatiev on the fall of Gaddafi: “Their Disorder is Our Hope”

In a recent blog post at PM Press, Noel Ignatiev has some good comments on the collapse of Gaddafi’s government in Libya. Ignatiev criticizes those leftists who supported the NATO-backed rebels, and also those who,

Kathryn Joyce: A Feminist Who Reports on the Christian Right

If you want to understand the U.S. Christian right’s gender politics, Kathryn Joyce’s writings are an excellent place to start. Joyce exposes the patriarchal, misogynistic nature of Christian right principles and practices, but she also

Anders Breivik, Mainstream Islamophobia, and the Far Right

By Matthew N. Lyons Anders Behring Breivik has been called a neonazi and a Christian fundamentalist. Both of these labels are misleading, although both contain elements of truth. Breivik is an Islamophobe and a right-wing

“We are not interested in a polemic,” — but we got one anyway.

TurningThe Tide has published a response to a previous article, Off the Nazis!…but how? We had previously linked to it and post this response here to continue the discussion. A response to Bring the Ruckus
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Right-Wing Movements 101

by Matthew N. Lyons Presentation at a political study retreat in Monroe, New York, on 5 June 2011. I’m going to try to give you an overview of right-wing movements in the U.S. and how

Signalfire post: “Homeland Security Department curtails home-grown terror analysis”

The leftist blog Signalfire has an interesting post about the federal government’s monitoring of domestic right-wing forces. From the article: “The Department of Homeland Security has stepped back for the past two years from conducting

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Anti-Fascism and the Three Way Fight in Québec

The ideas advanced in the book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism offer a useful set of tools to examine developments in Québec’s far right and antifascist movement over the past seven years.

Three Way Fight virtual book event August 5th

Book co-editors Xtn Alexander and Matthew N. Lyons will discuss Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism in an online event sponsored by Firestorm Books. “Three way fight” refers to a political approach, a political project, and a book, and the presentation will give an overview of all three.

“Anti-hate” think tank scapegoats China for Palestine solidarity protests

There’s a real money trail linking China’s propaganda apparatus with some pro-Palestinian organizations in the U.S. But the Network Contagion Research Institute distorts this bid for influence into a conspiracist vision of the Chinese Communist Party secretly directing mass protests to destabilize America.

New Video Promo For Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism

What’s the relationship between combating the far right and working for systemic change? What does it mean when fascists intensify racial oppression and patriarchy, but also call for the downfall of economic elites or even take up arms against the state? Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Anti-Fascism offers an introduction to three way fight politics, with more than thirty essays, position statements, and interviews spanning from the antifascist struggles of the 1980s and 1990s to the political upheavals of the 21st century. Check out the new book promo by kersplebedeb and PM Press to learn more.

Anti-Zionist Reflections on Zionism and the American Jewish Community

To uphold the idea that Jewishness is equivalent to Zionism in a world where a large chunk of younger Jews no longer identify with Zionism and oppose the inhumanity of Israel’s rule over Palestinians, you have to silence all of the Jews who disagree with you.