Anti-Racists call for opposition to NSM conference Aug. 29 Greensboro, NC

Three Way Fight




Close to the 30 year anniversary of the Greensboro Massacre, on August
29th, the National Socialist Movement w ill attempt to hold a regional
conference in Greensboro, NC. As they are inviting white supremacists and
fascists from all over the East Coast, North Carolina anti-racists are
inviting anti-racists from all over the East Coast to join us in
confronting them. We won’t take this lying down. On August 29th in
Greensboro, NC the National Socialist Movement (Nazi Party) is planning
(hoping?) to hold a regional conference. They have avoided making this
announcement public until recently, it seems, to keep anti-racists from
organizing a counter-response. The hotel where the conference is to be
held has not not been announced yet, but anti-racists from across the
state are making plans and getting ready. According to one white power
website, white supremacists are being invited from PA, DE, MD, VA, WV, NC,
SC, FL, AL and GA to the one-day event. According to white power websites,
the conference will begin at 10am and end at 6pm, and will take place at a
hotel somewhere in Greensboro.

The conference is, not coincidentally, to be held close to the 30-year
anniversary of the Greensboro Massacre, where five anti-racist organizers
were shot and killed by the Klan, with help from police and FBI. The
choice of this date alone will surely help get TONS of pissed Greensboro
folks out.

As there will be fascists from almost ten different states present, North
anti-racists are inviting comrades from across the East Coast to
join us in confronting white supremacists in Greensboro. Keeping these
kinds of groups weak and disorganized is a key component in our larger
fight to create a world without white supremacy. So tell your friends,
take the day off work, and stay tuned.
It is typical for fascists to keep logistical details secret u ntil the
last minute to prevent disruption or confrontation. Nevertheless, more
details will be made available as soon as possible.

In solidarity,
(some of the many) North Carolina Anti-Racists

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