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16 year-old antifa stabbed to death in Madrid

Three Way Fight


70 years on and within Spain there is still struggle with fascism. Fascist groups, like others across Europe, are organizing on anti-immigration grounds. Both in the streets and at the ballot boxes, fascist groups are leveling ...

Islamism is not Fascism: A Critique of the Three Way Fight

Three Way Fight


By Rami El-Amine Published on: October 30, 2007 Author’s note: The following article is from Issue #5 of the journal Upping the Anti. Please help support this “Journal of Theory and Action” by ordering hard copies ...

Is left anti-Zionism anti-Jewish?

Three Way Fight


As I’ve written previously on this blog, there’s a myth that leftists have to choose between fighting antisemitism and fighting Zionism. One version of this myth trivializes antisemitism and sometimes embraces it: witness James Petras’s claim ...

libertarian theology and resistance to capital

Three Way Fight


the following was posted as a comment to the blog, Democracy and Hip-Hop Project, as a response to the ongoing discussion on anti-imperialism and reaction. Matthew offers insights on the need to engage people of faith ...

Islamic fundamentalism and the three-way fight: an exchange

Three Way Fight


How should leftists respond to Islamic fundamentalist movements? The following dialogue between two contributors to Three Way Fight explores this question, touching on issues such as secularism, Islamophobia, state repression, heterosexism, and, above all, the role ...

When a Lesbian Says: We Are all Hezb’ Allah Now!

Three Way Fight


The following essay by Azar Majedi previously appeared on the websites ( and Secularism is a Women’s Issue ( Azar Majedi is a member of the central committee of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran and ...

3rd pole anti-imperialism against war and reaction

Three Way Fight


The following article ( Imperialism, local reaction and the duty of communists) and subsequent discussion was let known to us by an anonymous poster from redFlags, specifically how the piece and discussion raises concepts of Iranian ...

Hammerfest Update: Nazi skinhead locations revealed

Three Way Fight


from This Saturday afternoon in Portland’s southeast Lents Park, anti-racist activists held a rally in response to the gathering of white-power skinheads (and their hardcore bands) known as Hammerfest 2007. (See this week’s WW story.) ...

Portlanders Will Rally Against the Neo-Nazi “Hammerskin Nation” Gang

Three Way Fight


Contact: Ad-Hoc Committee Against Racism and Fascism, fight_them_back@riseup.net971.285.4688 (voicemail) Portlanders Will Rally Against the Neo-Nazi “Hammerskin Nation” Gang Community Gathering Responds to White Supremacist Festival Portland, Oregon – As white supremacists plan a three-day gathering to ...

Moishe Postone on History and Helplessness

Three Way Fight


Beyond questions of fascism or right-wing revolutionaries, the three way fight analysis can also be applied to other situations where the radical left is forced to respond to conflicts between two sets of bad guys. The ...

World War 4 Report comment on, Russian Neo-Nazis

Three Way Fight


i’m reposting this from World War 4 Report: Submitted by Bill Weinberg on Thu, 09/13/2007 – 19:11. The anarchist blog Three-Way Fight wants to know (despite leaving the question marks off their questions): Why does the ...

russian neo-nazis

Three Way Fight


Question. Why does the media – CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC, Harretz, etc – spend today going over and over again, with lots of video footage, of the bust of a supposed neo-Nazi group in Israel that ...