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South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action statement on three way fight politics

Three Way Fight


The following statement was posted on South Side Chicago ARA’s blog on May 9, 2011: Anti-fascists vs fascism vs the state: a three way fight, not democracy in crisis The state: The compulsory political institution of ...

Rising Above the Herd: Keith Preston’s Authoritarian Anti-Statism

Three Way Fight


by Matthew N. Lyons [The following article was published on the New Politics website on April 29, 2011.] “Perhaps what I champion is not so much the anarchist as much as the ‘anarch,’ the superior individual ... Paleoconservatism for the 21st Century

Three Way Fight


Paleoconservatives don’t have a mass following or much in the way of institutional power these days, but they do have a fairly lively intellectual scene. The defenders of Western civilization offer a number of competently written, ...

Bringing the Elite to Jesus

Three Way Fight


Review of Jeff Sharlet, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (New York: HarperCollins, 2008) By Matthew N. Lyons This book review was published in New Politics 13, no. 1, Whole Number ...

Call to Action Against Racism and Fascism July 31, 2010

Three Way Fight


“During the early morning hours of March 27th, a Portland, Oregon anti-racist activist was shot in what appears to be a well orchestrated attack. It is suspected that the attackers were members of the neo- Nazi ...

ARA Presents: The White Power Movement on the West Coast…

Three Way Fight


In Portland, a long-time anti-racist is targeted for assassination in the downtown area. In Vancouver, BC, an anti-fascist activist’s house is bombed. In Los Angeles, the National Socialist Movement rallies and is opposed by hundreds. In ...

Local Anti-Racist Shot in Downtown Portland

Three Way Fight


Shortly after midnight on Saturday, March 27, a man was brutally attacked in the heart of downtown Portland. His attacker shot him and left him lying in the street. He is currently in the Intensive Care ...

Portland Anti Racist Action Media Release

Three Way Fight


MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release: April 1, 2010 Contact: Portland Anti-Racist Action 971.533.7832 (voicemail) *Portland Anti-Racists: Downtown Shooting was Likely a Neo-Nazi Ambush* *Anti-Racist Targeted in Saturday Morning Attempted Murder* Portland, Oregon – In a ...

updates from Moscow Anarchist Black Cross

Three Way Fight


Andrei Mergenyov is imprisoned in Saratov after a fight with a Nazi in June 2007. Recently we received a following letter from him, and we translated it just to remind you about one of the less ...

South Side Chicago Anti Racist Action organizing against planned nazi march

Three Way Fight


Callout to Confront INSF ‘White Pride World Wide’ March in Chicago UPDATE: Download the flyer: (English JPG, Spanish JPG, or Quarter-page Printable PDF) and also call the hotline at 773-980-6013 for day-of updates about the action. ...

Student and worker struggles

Three Way Fight


two new posts from our friends at Gathering Forces:March 4th Student Strike Wrap Up &March Fourth Seattle by Mamos excerpts,“So what approach should we have to social democratic union and student government leaders in the meantime? ...

A New Fascism? A Dead Imperialism?

Three Way Fight


Below are reposts from an older exchange between Stan Goff and Don Hamerquist. The original discussion was posted on a version of the Bring The Ruckus!(BtR) website that is no longer in use. For reasons of ...