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Direct Action? Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld knocked out at Gym

Three Way Fight


This occurred after giving testimony to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about how CEO Dick Fuld led his company, Lehman Brothers – one of the Wests largest financial services firms – into bankruptcy ...

Audio file: The cause of the crisis and the opportunites it presents

Three Way Fight


Paul Bowman of the Irish anarchist organization, the Workers Solidarity Movement, presents a talk of the nature of the current crisis and a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) both from the perspectives of the capitalist ...

Dave Ranney comments on Capitalism in Crisis?

Three Way Fight


the following was forwarded to us and is a response to D. Hamerquist’s, Capitalism in Crisis? Generally Don’s short note on crisis fits with things I am thinking about and incorporating into talks. There are some ...

Bailout Rejected

Three Way Fight


round up of news:*just to say it, the articles below do NOT reflect the views of this blog. they are being reposted to show the varied takes on the situation. House Votes “No” 228-205; Stocks Plungefrom ...

Nick Paretsky responds

Three Way Fight


from the comments section of, Capitalism in Crisis?Holy cow. Just read the post about the redeployment of troops inside the U.S. for domestic counterinsurgency. Well, anyway: Long-term ruling class strategies in wake of the financial meltdown ...

sample of debates against the bailout

Three Way Fight


the bailout is not embraced by everyone. it appears that the leaderships of the Democrats and Republicans are trying to push through the bailout proposal. Dissent is emerging among the rank and file representatives. Below are ...

Counter Insurgency at home?

Three Way Fight


and look, what timing! Just when the president, politicians and various economists start saying that the Apocalypse may just be around the corner if $700B isn’t injected into the economy, the are starting a redeployment of ...

quick overview of the massive bailout bill

Three Way Fight


from the Wall Street Journal. following is a summary of the 110 pages being submitted for the potential Monday morning vote by Congress.Shape of Massive Bailout Bill Starts to Develop Definition

Chickens with their heads cut-off: Pt. Deux

Three Way Fight


reposted from NYTimes.comDay of Chaos Grips Washington; Talks Over Bailout Plan Implode By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN, CARL HULSE and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG Published: September 25, 2008 WASHINGTON — The day began with an agreement that Washington ...

a System in flux: trying to get our brains wrapped around the crisis in capitalism

Three Way Fight


central ideas growing from this “threewayfight” discussion board is that the System – capitalism and the administrative States – represent dynamic sets of entities in a constant flux of shaping and reshaping themselves. beyond the Systems ...

Capitalism in Crisis?

Three Way Fight


the following is from a larger discussion between different individuals and organizations on the nature of fascism and the potentials and limitations of anti-fascist organizing. that discussion will be published in the near future, however, with ...

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction

Three Way Fight


by Paul Bowman – Workers Solidarity Movement Everything comes tumbling down With financial giants toppling at rates that shock even seasoned financial commenter, many of us are left wondering, how did this state of affairs come ...