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3wf digest 1

Three Way Fight


we’re posting up a reminder of current (and semi-c) articles. we will start this general practice from here on out, with digests going out once a month or so. we’re not sure if this site is ...

Chomsky et al

Three Way Fight


by reddboy I would argue that we’ve reached a point in history where global capitalism is the immediate as well as the underlying issue and revolutionary strategy must confront all capitalist policy options, not just the ...

Pedagogy of Confrontation

Three Way Fight


by reddboy The Growing Pains editorial and the Sketchy Thoughts response to it are welcome treatments of important issues. I want to make a few comments on one aspect; the editorial’s treatment of the pedagogy of ...

Sketchy Thoughts on UTA’s, Growing Pains

Three Way Fight


…It is worth remembering that the pedagogy of confrontation does not need to take the specific forms it did during the anti-globalization moment in order to remain true to the idea that people will be moved ...

Twilight of the Heart

Three Way Fight


from, Growing Pains, Editorial from Upping the Anti issue 3 Writing our most recent histories seems to bring to mind the reliable touchstones of literature. Let us say, then, that it was the best of times ...

Aryan Jihad? New Directions for the Aryan Nations

Three Way Fight


The following was forwarded to threewayfight from a former contributor to the ARA Research Bulletin and author of the article The Southern Poverty Law Center “Bad Jackets” Anarchists. It’s been awhile since I paid attention to ...

Bash the Fash – Anti-fascist recollections, 1984-1993

Three Way Fight


This is literally a no-punches pulled account of militant group Anti Fascist Action’s fight against fascism in Britain by a grassroots anarchist member of AFA. Highly recommended. It is important, not because he makes any pretence ...

democratic centralism, State ideology and the suppression of the revolutionary potentials: a response to Burningman

Three Way Fight


the following was forwarded on to threewayfight from contributor, reddboy. RX, before you get that gleam in your eye because Goff invokes the hot button anarchist topics of hierarchy and authoritarianism, look at his political alternative ...

Hindu Fascism

Three Way Fight


The excellent blog sketchythoughts recently posted an interview with a South Asian antifascist living in New York City, along with an analysis of the interview. The whole thing is worth reviewing, but in particular the questions ...

Stan Goff on the Crisis of Authoritarian Socialism in the U.S.

Three Way Fight


Stan Goff, Special Forces militarist turned Marxist, has put out a new piece critiquing Marxism-Leninism (M-L) concepts and models as a way of building revolutionary movements. His critique centers on the centralizing and rigid traditions of ...

Uprising or Civil War in Mexico

Three Way Fight


“we do not recognize the official president or the legitimate one. What happens at the top does not matter at all to us. What matters is what will arise from below. When we carry out this ...

Three Way Fight


Social critic and author Mike Davis writes that in the growing world of urban slums, “Marx has yielded the historical stage to Mohammed and the Holy Ghost. If God died in the cities of the industrial ...