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Terraces & Peripheries: Left Snobbery & the Radical Right

Three Way Fight


An examination of far-right influence within Italian soccer and wider realms of the “peripheries”. from the article, “In its renunciation of everything, the left has ended up regarding it as inappropriate to maintain any kind of ...

The Three-Way Fight and militant antifascism: a short review

Three Way Fight


A communiqué from a group of western U.S. antifascists recently appeared on the international class struggle anarchist news website, anarkismo. The communiqué adopts the concept of a Three Way Fight. From the title and language it ...

War Within The HammerSkin Nation

Three Way Fight


The S.P.L.C. has just published a new report on the factionalism within the neo-Nazi “skinhead” movement. The report details the rise of the Vinlander Social Club/Blood and Honour U.S.A, from rogue element within the movement, to ...

Intra-Ruling Class Conflict? – Pt 2

Three Way Fight


An article by James Petras was emailed to me this past Monday. Although the article is pre-midterm elections by just a few days , I think Tuesday’s outcomes give strength to aspects of Petras’ postions, notably, ...

Dr. Strangelove Out, CIA Big Boss In

Three Way Fight


As mentioned in a previous blog post, James Baker’s Iraq Study Group, has been brought in to review the Occupation and provide some direction. Donald “Strangelove” Rumsfeld’s quick resignation yesterday was perhaps less to do with ...

The 2006 Elections and the Coming Train Wreck

Three Way Fight


On Election Day 2006, the U.S. public didn”t switch trains but simply ratified a different group of conductors. It’s the same old train, on the same tracks, heading in the same direction.

A Massacre

Three Way Fight


As the Dems and their supporters whoop it up and party, their Israeli friends are bombing Palestinians. Even beauracrat al Fatah boss/ Palestinian Authority president Abu Mazen declared a massacre and three days of national mourning ...

Thoughts on the vote and why some do or don’t do it

Three Way Fight


Alright, every politico has heard the line, “If voting changed anything it would be illegal”. I won’t bore with more stale rhetoric trying to justify the quote. Instead I’ll put this forward: there are a lot ...

Three Way Fight


Class and Race are Driving the Crisis in Mexico, Not Political Parties:Upheaval from the Bottom, By JOHN ROSS

Communique from APPO

Three Way Fight


COMMUNIQUÉ FROM THE POPOULAR ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLE OF OAXACA In these moments, the Federal Police (PFP) are trying to enter Ciudad Universitaria (the university facilities in Oaxaca), they have launched tear gas inside and some ...

Debate on death, privledges, and responsibility

Three Way Fight


As is being reported in the anti-authoritarian press, a young anarchist and journalist from the U.S. was shot and killed by government agents in Oaxaca. Bradley Will was working with Indy Media and helping to publicize ...

Three Way Fight


Photos from Oaxaca