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Defending my enemy’s enemy

Three Way Fight


Question to the U.S. left and anti-war movement about the current war in Lebanon: If we want Israel to fail in its stated objective to destroy Hezbollah, does that mean we want Hezbollah to win? The ...

Three Way Fight


A short, but detailed history and analysis of Hizbullah and it’s current efforts in Lebanon and against Israel.

Three Way Fight


An informative, but older, interview with Gilbert Achcar on Hizbullah. Important in the piece is it’s outlining of Hizbullah’s relation to the Lebanese Left, how Hizbullah were able to grow with the withdrawl of Isreal from ...

Three Way Fight


“When the enemy enters a country all the people there should unite to resist, be they Sunnis or Shiites, Muslims or Christians… Such divisions hurt the resistance, which requires everyone to close ranks and speak in ...

Three Way Fight


An interessting write up on As’ad AbuKhalil, who does the web blog The Angry Arab: “Nor is AbuKhalil indulgent of Arab governments or movements. He denounces the corruption of the Fatah party and the “vulgar anti-Jewish ...

Three Way Fight


While 3way Fight has been rather inactive, the world dosent stop burning. Hoping to put some fresh material up soon. Until then, readers of this site should check outThe Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضبA ...

Three Way Fight


Hate Groups Are Infiltrating the Military “They’re communicating with each other about weapons, about recruiting, about keeping their identities secret, about organizing within the military,” he said. “Several of these individuals have since been deployed to ...

Three Way Fight


2 articles from the forthcoming issue of WORKERS SOLIDARITY, publication of the anarchosyndicalist Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA) 339 Lafayette Street ..202, NY NY 10012. 1) Soldiers of Solidarity: Up from below, rank and filers struggle ...

Three Way Fight


Juan Cole of Informed Comment blogs about the recent arrest of Miami men on terror charges and their purported intention of attacking select U.S. sites including the Sears Tower in Chicago. A brief scan of the ...

Three Way Fight


The Blanket and the Cartoon Controversy: Anthony McIntyre Interviewed In March 2006, the online journal, The Blanket, took the decision to publish the cartoons that had caused such controversy earlier that year. As a result, the ...

A Letter to Three Way Fight

Three Way Fight


1 June 2006 Greetings, My name is Saku Pinta, I’m a Wobbly and anarchist from Thunder Bay, up here in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. I’ve been active up here for about 5 years with our local Indymedia ...

Critiquing neocons and scapegoating Jews: an exchange with a “heartland Democrat”

Three Way Fight


Twisted anti-elitism is a centerpiece of fascist and other right-wing populist ideology. Right-wing conspiracy theories blame oppression on small groups of evil-doers who supposedly distort the normal workings of society — such as the Trilateral Commission, ...