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Ctrl-Alt-Delete: new report on the alternative right

Three Way Fight


A new in-depth report on the alt-right, by me, is now available on the Political Research Associates website, under the title “Ctrl-Alt-Delete: The origins and ideology of the Alternative Right.” This same report will also soon ...

It’s Going Down podcast: Matthew Lyons on the Insurgent Far Right, Trump, and #DisruptJ20

Three Way Fight


I was interviewed about the far right and the Trump administration for a podcast on the It’s Going Down website. The podcast opens with a long rap piece and a general introduction by the host. The ...

Alt-right: more misogynistic than many neonazis

Three Way Fight


One of the major problems with the campaign to replace the term “alt-right” with “white supremacist” is that it tends to obscure other important dimensions of alt-right politics. The alt-right’s misogyny merits special attention, for a couple ...

Calling them “alt-right” helps us fight them

Three Way Fight


If “alt-right” is a benign-sounding label to hide white supremacist ideology, why do so many alt-rightists go out of their way to sound as shockingly bigoted as possible?  There’s a campaign among Trump opponents to get ...

Red Skies at Night article on far right anti-imperialism

Three Way Fight


Issue #3 of the independent leftist journal Red Skies at Night includes my article “Anti-Imperialism and the U.S. Far Right.” Here I trace a number of historical roots of right-wing anti-imperialism, such as: the America First ...

Making America Worse

Three Way Fight


[This is the text of a talk that I gave at the event “Trump, White Supremacy, Fascism? Building New Resistance Movements!” on June 25, 2016, in Brooklyn, New York. My thanks to Resistance in Brooklyn, sponsors ...

Racist Revolutionaries: The Alt-Right Uprising? (radio program)

Three Way Fight


The alternative right or alt-right movement is a new incarnation of white nationalism that has  coalesced in recent years. The alt-right has gained attention over the past year because of its support for Donald Trump’s presidential ...

Trump: “anti-political” or right wing?

Three Way Fight


[See new post-script at the end of this article.] Some leftists have declared recently that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is fundamentally “anti-political” rather than right wing. But the evidence they offer actually highlights the similarities between ...

Fascist revolution doesn’t turn back the clock: a reply to Alexander Reid Ross on Trump

Three Way Fight


Part 4 of Alexander Reid Ross’s series on “Trumpism” on the website It’s Going Down is largely a reply to my piece “Trump’s impact: a fascist upsurge is just one of the dangers.” Reid Ross makes ...

Trump’s impact: a fascist upsurge is just one of the dangers

Three Way Fight


In some ways it doesn’t matter whether we call Donald Trump a fascist or “just” a right-wing populist. However we categorize him, his presidential campaign represents a serious danger. Whatever direction he takes in the future, ...

Jack Donovan on men: a masculine tribalism for the far right

Three Way Fight


Donovan: “Ur-fascism is the source of honor culture and authentic patriarchal tradition.” All far rightists promote male dominance, but the kinds of male dominance they promote differ enormously. The Christian right’s revolutionary wing — the folks ...

On Trump, Fascism, and Stale Social Science

Three Way Fight


Donald Trump’s rise as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination set off a flurry of articles labeling him a fascist. These pieces — which have appeared on sites as varied as Newsweek, Common Dreams, and ...