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An exchange on the relevancy on the Three Way Fight perspective

Three Way Fight


I got an email message the other day regarding the website. I thought it would be useful to post the exchange I have had thus far, and open it up for some of the other contributors ...

Three Way Fight


HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA: ROCK AGAINST RACISMWhether it’s soul, indie, garage, punk rock, house, hip-hop or bhangra, music brings us together and offers a vibrant celebration of our multicultural and multiracial society. More than twenty years ago, ...

We Must Become The Global Resistance To The Occupation

Three Way Fight


from the NorthStar Anarchist Collective, Minneapolis, MN “Over the last few months the people of Iraq have stepped up the resistance to the U.S. occupation of their land. Is this a surprise? What would you do ...

Cursory thoughts on armies, insurrection, and The Sixth

Three Way Fight


In my last post I briefly addressed the IRA’s recent statement on ending its armed struggle and the urging of all of it’s members to throw their weight into “peaceful” political work that we can only ...

meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Three Way Fight


“There’s nothing in the streetsLooks any different to meAnd the slogans are replaced, by-the-byeAnd the parting on the leftAre now parting on the rightAnd the beards have all grown longer overnight”– Wont Get Fooled Again The ...

“¡Que se Vayan Todos”: Venezuela’s Anarchists and the Three-Way Fight

Three Way Fight


When Venezuela is mentioned in North America these days, it is almost always in reference to President Hugo Chavez, who is vilified by the mainstream press and adored by much of what passes for the left. ...


Three Way Fight


Three Way Fight is a new project. It is explicitly antifascist but within a specific context. It is a project concerned about where “Our” side is headed – our side being broadly, the libertarian, autonomous, and ...

Is the National Alliance breaking apart, and if so who’s ready to collect the pieces?

Three Way Fight


“The National Alliance, for all practical purposes, died along with William Luther Pierce. A few months ago the shadow boxing came to a head and Gliebe bailed at the hands of Kevin Alfred Strom, Jamie Kelso, ...

imperial reckoning by Mike Morgan: Mau Mau, Insurrection and the tactics of counter-insurgency.

Three Way Fight


“Like all European colonies in the Third World, Kenya had everything to offer white settlers and nothing but grief for the local indigenous population. From the beginning of the last century and by the early years ...

Above and Below: Them, Them, and Us

Three Way Fight


The following document was submitted to the general body of the FRAC (Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives – Great Lakes Region) for it’s 2003 Spring Conference. The document, because it was presented at a specific moment, ...

They live, we die

Three Way Fight


The article was wrote for publication in the Arab American News. However, for some reason it was refused. It was forwarded on to Three Way Fight.………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………… They live, we dieBy L.B.G. Here’s a good way to ...

Info on Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU) and UFPJ Tour

Three Way Fight


Interesting discussion of Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU) and current UFPJ sponsored tour of Iraqi labor organizers put together by US Labor Against the War.