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Reading “The Solstice” — Kasama on right-wing mass movements

Three Way Fight


Rightist mass movements around the globe have made several dramatic advances recently. In India, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won a massive victory in the April-May 2014 national election. (The country’s new prime minister ...

Frazier Glenn Miller, Nazi violence, and the state

Three Way Fight


In the 1980s, Frazier Glenn Miller was one of the most prominent white supremacist leaders in the United States. Lately he’s been in the news again — sometimes identified as Miller, sometimes as Frazier Glenn Cross ...

Spencer Sunshine on rightists in the Occupy movement

Three Way Fight


Spencer Sunshine has a good article in the Political Research Associates newsletter (Winter 2014 issue): “The Right Hand of Occupy Wall Street: From Libertarians to Nazis, the Fact and Fiction of Right-Wing Involvement.” As Sunshine argues, ...

U.S. fascists debate the conflict in Ukraine

Three Way Fight


The Ukrainian fascists who helped seize power in Kiev three weeks ago have gotten a strikingly mixed response from U.S. far rightists. Like others across the political spectrum, U.S. fascists are struggling to understand and respond ...

Who are Ukraine’s fascists?

Three Way Fight


My previous post attempted to make sense of the struggle that recently overthrew Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych. As Tash Shifrin points out, not only did fascist groups play a leading role in this struggle, but their ...

Ukraine’s upheaval: between fascists, neoliberals, and Kremlin tools

Three Way Fight


“It is right to be horrified and appalled by the brutality of Yanukovych’s — failed — crackdown, and the huge death toll. No one should support the violence of the state. “But nor should we cheer ...

TORCH anti-fascist network forms

Three Way Fight


Several former chapters of Anti-Racist Action (ARA) have formed a new anti-fascist network called TORCH. They write, “This isn’t a fracture or schism coming from internal strife but the result of the realization that the blueprint ...

Interface articles on the far right: Part two — ecology and localism

Three Way Fight


[This is second of two posts about articles on the far right in the November 2013 issue of Interface. The first post discussed an article about Autonomous Nationalists in Germany.] For years, the anti-globalization and ecology ...

Interface articles on the far right: Part one — Autonomous Nationalists

Three Way Fight


The November 2013 issue of Interface includes two interesting articles about the far right. Interface is an interesting project — an international, multilingual journal that brings together activists and academics to share knowledge “for and about ...

CrimethInc podcast on Fascism and Anti-Fascism

Three Way Fight


From CrimethInc: Recently murdered Greek anti-fascist rapper Killah P is just the latest casualty in a worldwide surge of fascist violence. In this episode, we analyze contemporary fascism and the resistance anarchists have mounted to it, ...

Anti-nazi protest planned for Philadelphia, October 19th

Three Way Fight


From Philadelphia Residents Against Racism: For the past 7 years, the city of Philadelphia has played host to a gathering of Neo-Nazis right under the noses of its residents. This gathering, known as “The Leif Ericson ...

Anti-fascist prisoner to be released

Three Way Fight


From the NYC Anarchist Black Cross: Alex Stuck of the Tinley Park 5 is due to be released from prison at the end of this month or by early November. So, Bloomington ABC [Anarchist Black Cross], ...