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Speak out against FBI raids & Grand Jury repression in Oregon and Washington
We are reposting the follow solidarity appeal from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. For a discussion that puts these raids in the context of recent state repression against leftists, see Grand Juries & the FBI’s ...
Book notes: Michael Staudenmaier on the Sojourner Truth Organization
I am in the middle of reading Michael Staudenmaier’s Truth and Revolution: A History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969-1986. This is a detailed, thoughtful account of one of the most interesting radical groups to emerge ...
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action Annual Zine #3 available
From the South Side ARA blog: Annual South Side ARA Zine #3 (Mid 2011- April 2012) Download readable version hereDownload printable PDF here “This is South Side ARA’s 3rd annual zine. This zine, just like the ...
Palestinian activists’ statement denounces Gilad Atzmon’s racism and antisemitism
Twenty-three Palestinian activists and organizers have signed a public statement titled“Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon.” The signers “call for the disavowal of Atzmon by fellow ...
Not Quite “Ordinary Human Beings”—Anti-Imperialism and the anti-humanist rhetoric of Gilad Atzmon
[This statement has been moved to a separate page on the Three Way Fight website at]
Between Pro-Fascism and Left-Populism: Reading Loren Goldner on the Bolivian MNR
I recently read Loren Goldner’s 2011 article on Bolivia’s Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (MNR) and I think it has a lot to offer for ThreeWayFight readers. The title is a mouthful: “Anti-Capitalism or Anti-Imperialism? Interwar Authoritarian and ...
Anti-capitalist perspectives on the Occupy movement
The January issue of Insurgent Notes, an online left-communist journal, is devoted mainly to the Occupy movement, with a lead editorial, reports from Occupy campaigns in six U.S. cities, and an article on “class struggle in ...
Conservatism studies: on the value and limits of academic history
Not so long ago, respected historians and sociologists promoted the idea that right-wing politics was best understood as a kind of psychological problem: a form of collective irrationality, an expression of despair or a paranoid style, ...
Stand up Against Racism and Transphobia!
From the First of May Anarchist Alliance: Defend CeCe McDonald!Self-Defense is Not a Crime!Stand up Against Racism and Transphobia! An important case demands our support. Crishaun “CeCe” McDonald, a young Black transgender woman faces two counts ...
Occupy movement: Anti-capitalism versus populism
Occupy Wall Street is one of the most exciting political developments in years, but like any social movement it has its contradictions. As I noted briefly at the end of my previous post, the Occupy movement ...
Rightists woo the Occupy Wall Street movement
by Matthew N. Lyons Most right-wing responses to the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement have ranged from patronizing to hostile. Rightists have variously criticized the Occupy forces for–supposedly–copying the Tea Party; failing to target big government; ...
State repression from Bush to Obama
Only a few years ago, many people looked at the Bush administration’s authoritarian policies (mass round-ups, endorsing torture and assassination, shredding due process, etc.) as a major reason for supporting the Democrats. But in a recent ...