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This is not a joke

Three Way Fight


I wonder if he’s on MySpace.

Don’t touch that, Ahmed … It’s not candy.

Three Way Fight


Anyone who thinks these bomblets are anything other than Israel’s biblically granted right of self-defense is obviously an anti-Semite. I mean, why else would you think blowin kids up is bad? “Since the war between Israel ...

British Fascists target their opposition with “Redwatch”

Three Way Fight


The Guardian covers news of the Combat 18 influenced RedWatch – a site dedicated to exposing anti-racist organizers and other leftists in Britain. The Guardian publicizes a liberal and not all that honest perspective on the ...


Three Way Fight


Here’s something that you won’t see in the American media: Apparently, the settlers took advantage of the Lebanon war to expand their so-called “illegal settlements” (as if they’re all not illegal) but somehow I don’t ...

No reservations about dissing the Jewish state

Three Way Fight


You know how it is, in the hood.

Michael Karadjis on “Hizbullah, Iran and ‘Right-Wing Anti-Imperialism'”

Three Way Fight


Michael Karadjis, who argues that Hezbollah is a “genuine national liberation movement” and not right wing, recently posted a lengthy piece on GreenLeft Bloggers entitled “Hizbullah, Iran and ‘Right-Wing Anti-Imperialism’: A Reply to Critics.” The essay ...


Three Way Fight


Looking at Hamerquist’s “Fascism & Anti-Fascism” by J. Sakai2002 We weren’t thinking about fascism while we watched two 757s full of people fly into the ex-World trade Center. And maybe we still weren’t thinking of fascism ...

Lebanon: Roundtable on the Borderline

Three Way Fight


Account of a meeting between Israeli and Lebanese anarchists on the border in which they discuss the war, hezbollah, the anti-war movement and anarchism in Lebanon. Taking part are anarchists who had direct contact with this ...

Three Way Fight


The War With al-Qaedaby Juan Cole, from Informed Comment Monday, September 11, 2006The War with al-QaedaThe war with al-Qaeda has many dimensions. There is the war with the organization itself. There is the struggle against its ...

Eyewitness Lebanon: In the land of the Blind

Three Way Fight


by Michael Schmidt – reporting for Anarkismo from text: I’m an anarchist communist journalist and wrote this piece specifically for I entered Lebanon via Syria, from the north during the second half of the war, ...

Anti-Arab Racism, Islam, and the Left

Three Way Fight


Rami El-Amine, founder and editor of Left Turn has been active in and reporting from Lebanon. He has published an article entitled, Anti-Arab Racism, Islam, and the Left. Below is an excerpt critiquing Three Way Fight ...

Three Way Fight


The wrong ideaBy L.G.B.A vibrant democracy is supposed to uphold the freedom of speech, regardless of its content, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas and better inform the citizenry so that they can be ...