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Anti-Fascists Attitude

Three Way Fight


Thanks to slackbastard for posting this up. -3WF “It is clear that both fascist and antifascist movements are rising. The problem of ideology and development of the country is being solved not among authorities… Now the ...

RIP Fyodor “Fediay” Filatov. Another Russian Antifascist murdered.

Three Way Fight


In the morning of October 10th 2008 Fyodor Filatov died in hospital from numerous knife wounds. At 7:30 AM he was attacked by four unknown persons armed with knifes, while leaving his home on his way ...

Anarchists arrested after clash with BNP activists in East End

Three Way Fight


From the East London Advertiser: SIX anarchists were arrested in a street fight after they discovered BNP activists had duped a vicar into letting them use his church hall for a rally by saying it was ...

To the 2008 Anti Racist Action Network Conference

Three Way Fight


Solidarity from the antifascist webblog, threewayfight: an insurgent blog against fascism and the State. We wish your conference well and look forward to hearing of your organizing – now and for the future. We are facing ...

Colonge, Germany: Anti-Islam Rally Cancelled After Violence.

Three Way Fight


the pic just above here is of anti-racist/anti-fascists demonstratingagainst the Far-Right and anti-Islam group, Pro-Koeln. From Anarchist Black Cat German police on Saturday cancelled an anti-Islam congress organised by a far-right group on safety grounds in ...

Supporters of Antifa Queer Festival attacked in Serbia

Three Way Fight


At this very moment we’re in the middle of the 5th Queerbeograd festival in Belgrade, Serbia. The theme of the festival this year is ‘Direct Action & Antifascism’. The latter appeared again important when a group ...