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far right

far right

Protesters gathered in the street with banners, including one at front that reads "Montréal Antifasciste"

Anti-Fascism and the Three Way Fight in Québec



The ideas advanced in the book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism offer a useful set of tools to examine developments in Québec’s far right and antifascist movement over the past seven years.

New Haven, CT: Immigrant Advocates, White Supremacists Clash

Three Way Fight


Violence flared in East Haven, as New Haven activists marching to protest alleged police racism tangled with out-of-state “white nationalists.” The clash happened during an event organized Saturday by New Haven immigrant advocacy organization Unidad Latina ...

Shooting at Holocaust museum by fascist White Nationalist

Three Way Fight


…over at Stormfront there is debate over the actual importance or effectiveness of James Von Brunn’s attack today. There seem to be two threads, one now locked for security purposes and one still open. The nazi ...

BBC: Austria’s Haider dies in accident

Three Way Fight


Austrian far-right politician Joerg Haider has been killed in a road accident, police say. read more

To the 2008 Anti Racist Action Network Conference

Three Way Fight


Solidarity from the antifascist webblog, threewayfight: an insurgent blog against fascism and the State. We wish your conference well and look forward to hearing of your organizing – now and for the future. We are facing ...

Colonge, Germany: Anti-Islam Rally Cancelled After Violence.

Three Way Fight


the pic just above here is of anti-racist/anti-fascists demonstratingagainst the Far-Right and anti-Islam group, Pro-Koeln. From Anarchist Black Cat German police on Saturday cancelled an anti-Islam congress organised by a far-right group on safety grounds in ...

Magyar Garda

Three Way Fight


an article from earlier this year. gives an idea of the forces active in the recent Budapest reaction: Far-right band in Hungary a symptomBy Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer February 13, 2008 “By the ...

Over a thousand far-right anti-government protesters march in downtown Budapest

Three Way Fight


BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungarian police fired tear gas and clashed with more than a thousand anti-government protesters who attacked riot police with petrol bombs and cobblestones in Budapest on Saturday. Protesters from the far-right gathered around ...