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Beat the Fascists, wherever you meet them!

Three Way Fight


by Autonome Antifa Freiburg Communiqué from the 7th of May about the big nazi rallies in Germany from the 1st of May 2008 to the 1st of May 2009 On May Day 2009 around 1,000 Nazis ...

Germany: Neo-Nazis attack May Day demonstration in Dortmund

Three Way Fight


from the World Socialist Web Approximately 300 neo-Nazis attacked a demonstration organised by the DGB, the German trade union federation, on May 1 as it set off from the square in front of the old synagogue ...

Colonge, Germany: Anti-Islam Rally Cancelled After Violence.

Three Way Fight


the pic just above here is of anti-racist/anti-fascists demonstratingagainst the Far-Right and anti-Islam group, Pro-Koeln. From Anarchist Black Cat German police on Saturday cancelled an anti-Islam congress organised by a far-right group on safety grounds in ...