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Between the Zeal of the Young and the Patience of the Old: Reflections on Seattle’s Recent Upheavals Against Police Brutality

Three Way Fight


The following comes form friends at the Black Orchid Collective. While the article is particular to recent concersn and questions of orgaizing and strategy in Seattle, teher are broader dimenersions relevant to a range of the ...

A New Fascism? A Dead Imperialism?

Three Way Fight


Below are reposts from an older exchange between Stan Goff and Don Hamerquist. The original discussion was posted on a version of the Bring The Ruckus!(BtR) website that is no longer in use. For reasons of ...

Michael Novick responds to Thinking and Acting in Real Time and a Real World

Three Way Fight


Comments to Thinking and Acting in Real Time and A Real World Thanks, Don and TWF for this, and for the link to Kali Akuno’s piece. I do know Kali and value his work and am ...

Response to Paretsky (2/19/09

Three Way Fight


I want to comment on a few of the issues raised in Nick Paretsky’s February post reacting to the piece I wrote earlier this year. I apologize for the delay in my response. I intend to ...

Nick Paretsky responds

Three Way Fight


from the comments section of, Capitalism in Crisis?Holy cow. Just read the post about the redeployment of troops inside the U.S. for domestic counterinsurgency. Well, anyway: Long-term ruling class strategies in wake of the financial meltdown ...

a System in flux: trying to get our brains wrapped around the crisis in capitalism

Three Way Fight


central ideas growing from this “threewayfight” discussion board is that the System – capitalism and the administrative States – represent dynamic sets of entities in a constant flux of shaping and reshaping themselves. beyond the Systems ...

Capitalism in Crisis?

Three Way Fight


the following is from a larger discussion between different individuals and organizations on the nature of fascism and the potentials and limitations of anti-fascist organizing. that discussion will be published in the near future, however, with ...

Hamerquist Responds to Matthew Lyons

Three Way Fight


Hamerquist Responds to Matthew Lyons (3/31/05) Matthew, Sorry for the delay. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Let me start with the easiest point: I like the Juan Cole blog for Middle East information. I’m ...

Matthew Lyons comments on Hamerquist and Goff exchange

Three Way Fight


Don, Your reply to Goff offered a lot of good food for thought, and left me wanting to hear more. I appreciate the way you discuss the Iraq war, the neocons, and the question of Middle ...

Continued discourse on article, Debating a Neocon. Hamerquist on dilemmas for Capital and further outlines of the content of the resistance movements.

Three Way Fight


The following is a response to Stan Goff from D. Hamerquist. Excerpt: “There is a general assumption that recognizing a fascist danger… automatically subordinates the struggle against the capitalist system to an anti-fascist alliance with a ...
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