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The Far Right Regards Human Inequality as “Natural” (book excerpt)

Three Way Fight


This book is about far right politics in the United States. It is an effort to understand movements such as the alt-right: what they want, what they do, who they appeal to, and how they interact ...

“The alt-right wants to replace the USA with an ethno-state”: interview with Matthew N. Lyons

Three Way Fight


The German leftist newspaper Junge Welt recently published an interview with me by Gabriel Kuhn, under the title “Die ‘Alt-Right’ will USA zu Ethnostaat umwandeln” [The “alt-right” wants to replace the USA with an ethno-state]. The ...

At the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair: Workshop on far right anti-statism

Three Way Fight


I will be doing a workshop at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair next weekend, on the topic “Anti-State Politics on the Far Right.” The book fair takes place in Montreal on May 26-27 and is free and ...

Insurgent Supremacists – a new book about the U.S. far right

Three Way Fight


My book Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire is due out this May and is being published jointly by Kersplebedeb Publishing and PM Press. It draws on work that I’ve been ...

Fascism Today Conversation Part 2: author Shane Burley interviews Matthew N. Lyons

Three Way Fight


This is the second half of a dialog between Shane Burley, author of Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It, and myself, author of the book’s foreword. In the first half, I interviewed ...

Major report on red-brown alliances from new anarchist website

Three Way Fight


Demonstration of the National Bolshevik Party in Russia, 9 May 2006 The term “red-brown alliance” refers to political collaboration or synthesis between fascists and radical leftists. Such alliances strengthen the far right, spread ideological poison and ...

On Lesser and Greater Evils (guest post by Rebecca Hill)

Three Way Fight


“Rather than seeking among our opponents for strategic allies, it would be much better to seek a principled alliance across the left to create a strong center of gravity from which to fight both the center ...

Review: Making Sense of the Alt-Right by George Hawley

Three Way Fight


H-Net has published my review of political scientist George Hawley’s book Making Sense of the Alt-Right. On the plus side, the book is carefully researched and offers a good account of the alt-right’s development, hostility to ...

Fascism Today Conversation Part 1: Interview with author Shane Burley

Three Way Fight


In this post I interview Shane Burley about his new book, Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It, to which I was honored to write the foreword. Publisher AK Press describes the book ...

The Alt-Right: History, Ideology, and the Future of a Fascist Movement (podcast)

Three Way Fight


Eric Draitser interviewed me for an episode of his Stop Imperialism podcast series on Patreon. The full podcast (almost two hours) is available to Patreon subscribers, while the first half is available for free. Here’s Eric’s ...