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National Socialist Front members ambushed by antifa in Chicago

Three Way Fight


The National Socialist Front (NSF) is an offshoot of the dying American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP). The ANSWP was started by Bill White after he was expelled from the National Socialist Movement (NSM). The ANSWP ...

Teabag America: When the Right Rises, What’s the Left to Do?

Three Way Fight


An Interview with Quentin Williams by Matthew Lyons “Quentin Williams” is a community organizer who has been tracking the anti-tax, anti-Obama Tea Party protests for the past several months. ML: Please give us a little background ...

Minneapolis, MN – Oppose the neo-Nazi N.S.M. this Sat. Oct 3rd

Three Way Fight


***Please Forward Far & Wide***Minneapolis, MN – Oppose the neo-Nazi N.S.M. Defend Our Neighborhoods!Defend Anti-Racist Organizing! 10:00 am SaturdayOctober 3rd 2009Lake Street & 22nd Ave(outside the Midtown YWCA) This Saturday, October 3rd, 2009, the neo-nazi National ...

The legitimate critical review

Three Way Fight


excerpted from, Lenin, Leninism and some Leftovers “The legitimate critical review The fact that this was (the Russian Revolution) an immense struggle under extreme conditions and with major limitations on understanding and resources doesn’t adequately explain, ...

Sketchy Thoughts: Drawing Lessons from Our Past – Lenin and Leninism

Three Way Fight


What can we draw from the past? And how do we draw things from the past? These questions, when you get down to it, are key to our project. Lenin is a figure whose historic role ...

Toxic to Democracy: Conspiracy Theories, Demonization, & Scapegoating

Three Way Fight


By Chip Berlet Political Research Associates Charged with the fatal shooting of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller in a church in Wichita, Kansas, last Sunday morning, Scott Philip Roeder is a regular consumer of conservative talk ...

Anti-Racists call for opposition to NSM conference Aug. 29 Greensboro, NC

Three Way Fight


from 30 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREENSBORO MASSACRE: NATIONAL SOCIALIST MOVEMENT CONFERENCE Close to the 30 year anniversary of the Greensboro Massacre, on August29th, the National Socialist Movement w ill attempt to hold a regionalconference ...

Lawyer: FBI Trained Hal Turner As An “Agent Provocateur”

Three Way Fight


Internet blogger Harold “Hal” Turner’s attorney said today that Turner’s background as an FBI informant will be a key part of his defense to charges that he incited violence against two state legislators and a state ...

National Socialist Movement internal emails posted on web

Three Way Fight


Someone, probably a disgruntled Nazi, put up a hella lot of NSMemails from their Fargo ND chapter to Wikileaks. I have not read themall, but they seem like they're real. 2 highlights from the littlei've read: ...

Louis Proyect: Thoughts on the town hall disruptions

Three Way Fight


Found this link through the website Kasama. Thoughts on the town hall disruptions an excerpt:And as the workers and the poor begin to fight for their rights, the retrograde social forces churned up from a capitalism ...