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Portland, Oregon says David Irving Not Welcome: Some Notes on July 19

Three Way Fight


Portland, Oregon says David Irving Not Welcome: Some Notes on July 19On Sunday, July 19, approximately 50 anti-fascists and anti-racists madetheir way to the Embassy Suites - Airport hotel in Portland, to oppose theHolocaust-denier and neo-fascist ...

Neonazi Attack in Berlin

Three Way Fight


[An interview with Clemens Hetzel, from Anti-Fascist Left, Berlin, published in Junge Welt (15 July 2009). Translated from German.] On Sunday in the Berlin-Friedrichschain neighborhood [a formerly East Berlin district with a strong left, antifascist, punk, ...

Militant Anti-Abortion Activity, the Patriot Movement, & the Christian Right

Three Way Fight


From the Public Eye, we link to articles relating to the assassination of Dr. Tiller, the Christian fundamentalist movement, and the Far-Right. PHOTO: Dr. George Tiller’s Wichita clinic was the target of continuing demonstrations by Operation ...

Rose City Antifas Expose Portland Nazis

Three Way Fight


Portland Anti-Racists Raise Awareness about Local Neo-Nazisauthor: Rose City AntiFascists. From Portland Indymedia Rose City Antifa would like to present you with more information on local white supremacist group, Volksfront, and its members who are recruiting ...

Two Interviews with Russian Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascists

Three Way Fight


28.02.2009 | Interview with Russian anti-racists Recently Swedish activist Etranger questioned two Moscow activists, Utka and Igor, on state of anti-racist movement and activities of anti-migrant groups. Swedish version of the interview was published in ...

International conference on secularism and women’s rights

Three Way Fight


Azar Majedi, chairperson of the Organization for Women’s Liberation and a member of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran (WPI) leadership, has circulated the following report: The International Conference on Why is Secularism Necessary? A complete success ...

The Guardian UK: Britain faces summer of rage

Three Way Fight


Police are preparing for a “summer of rage” as victims of the economic downturn take to the streets to demonstrate against financial institutions, the Guardian has learned. Britain’s most senior police officer with responsibility for public ...

Paretsky responds to Thinking and Acting

Three Way Fight


originally a comment, Paretsky’s thoughtful and challenging comments deserve more attention, so we post them up as their own post. – c. alexander It’s taken me a while to assemble some comments on Don’s challenging and ...

Responding to Thinking and Acting in Real Time and a Real world

Three Way Fight


posted at BTR Hi Don, First of all, thanks for doing this. We certainly need some clarityabout the crisis and what may be coming down the road. I had a fewcomments – not really any differences ...

Why the U.S. Stimulus Package is Bound to Fail

Three Way Fight


from ZNet By David Harvey Source: The Bullet David Harvey’s ZSpace Page Join ZSpace Much is to be gained by viewing the contemporary crisis as a surface eruption generated out of deep tectonic shifts in the ...