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Vast Bailout by U.S. Proposed in Bid to Stem Financial Crisis
Vast Bailout by U.S. Proposed in Bid to Stem Financial CrisisBy EDMUND L. ANDREWSPublished: September 18, 2008reposted from the WASHINGTON — The head of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve began discussions on Thursday with ...
Panic Sell-off on Wall Streetreposted from World Socilaist Web Site By Barry Grey 18 September 2008 Credit markets in the US and around the world have seized up in the wake of the government bailout of ...
Denial in Tehran
the following is an older piece that received limited publication. originally drafted for threewayfight, we are now republishing it because of its continued relevance. the article was initially submitted by threewayfight’s sometime contributor, Saddam Khomeini by ...
A short reply to the Anti-Imperialist and Three-Way-Fight Approaches to Antisemitism, in the Upping-the-Anti Journal Debate
from, Contested Terrain In the latest issue of Upping the Anti journal, two articles were published on the question, “How should Left groups relate to non-Left anti-Imperialist movements?” The first article, “Challenges to Capitalism, Challenges for ...
U.S. Left-Wing Militant Anti-Fascist History Vol. 1 (The late 1980’s)
U.S. Left-Wing Militant Anti-Fascist History Vol. 1 (The late 1980’s) The John Brown Anti-Klan Committee: A brief biographyBy Dan Sabater The John Brown Anti- Klan Committee was the most prominent U.S. Left militant anti-fascist organization of ...
Obama: Raw Racism Fanned in Election
This article originally appeared in the Washington Post. Reposted from Kasama Hate Groups’ Newest Target White Supremacists Report an Increase in Visits to Their Web Sites By Eli SaslowWashington Post Staff Writer Sen. Barack Obama’s historic ...
Anarchists fed up with Lega Nord racists in Italy, get feisty
from @infos mediaAnarchists and anti-racists in Trento, North-East Italy got fed up with theracist crap representives of the local Lega Nord (Northern League) spout in thelocal town centre. The video shows how. Enjoy especially if you’re ...
Have we gone soft on football’s fascists?
Apologists for the far right in the game are not ‘characters’, they’re more dangerous than that by Steven Wells It’s been an odd Euro 2008 soccerfest-watching experience here in horribly sticky heatwave-hammered Philadelphia. The distractions are ...
More on Gun Shows and the White Working Class
By Ken Lawrence From the revolutionary organization, Bring the Ruckus!By Ken Lawrence My conservative father, a veteran of World War II in the Pacific, was nota hunter, but he owned a Colt Woodsman Match Target pistol ...