Magyar Garda

an article from earlier this year. gives an idea of the forces active in the recent Budapest reaction:

Far-right band in Hungary a symptom
By Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
February 13, 2008

“By the end of the year, 600 others had signed up, and several thousand more had applied for membership, founder Vona said. Although members are fond of marching in formation and pledging to provide “physical and spiritual self-defense,” Vona insists that they are not armed.

In Vona’s view, Hungary never made the full transition from communism; he wants to get rid of Gyurcsany’s Socialist government and return the country to an older time, with emphasis on pure Hungarian identity and Christian values.

“Christian identity and Hungarian identity are one,” Vona, who turns 30 this year, said in an interview at his office in Budapest. He also heads a small right-wing political party, Jobbik, which has run unsuccessfully for parliament but does have representatives in municipal governments.

The right has been able to capitalize on discontent with the government after a scandal in which the prime minister admitting lying to the public about the economy, and violent protests in 2006 on the 50th anniversary of Hungary’s unsuccessful attempt to break away from Soviet domination”

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