Moscow, Russia: Antifascist, Alexey Krylov, murdered on his way to a concert

On March 16, 2008, in Moscow, a about 15 neo-nazis attacked a group of 7 people who were on their way to an antifascist concert. A teenager from Noginsk (Moscow region) was stabbed to death. The attack had been discussed on a “Spartak” football team fansite forum.

The attack took place at 18.40 near “Kitai gorod” metro station (in a walk distance from the Kremlin).

The antifascists believe it to be a planned action, because the “Spartak” fansite contained an instruction on how to conduct reconnaissance in the area of the “Art Garbage” club, where the concert was to take place.

Reportedly, there were several minor fights with the neo-nazis, and somebody sprayed pepper gas in the club. The concert didn’t take place.

The police questioned the witnesses.

It is not the first incident of this sort in Moscow. In April 2006, Alexander Ryukhin was stabbed to death on his way to a punk concert. Three neo-nazis were charged in connection with this attack and sentenced up to 6 years of imprisonment.

The Russian Antifasicst Scene needs our International Support! So please People make Solidarity Actions for the murdered Anifa! Demonstrations/Vigils/Rallys , write Transparents and hand them outside off.


and, from the blog Soveticus

Today (March 16) around 6.30 or 6.40 pm in the Moscow city centre at the exit of Kitai-Gorod metro station a group of about 15 neonazis armed with knives have attacked 5 people who were going to a hardcore / punk gig headlined by Karelian oi band NICHEGO KHOROSHEGO at Art Garbage club. As a result of attack a punk aged 21, Alexei Krylov from the Moscow Region town of Noginsk, has died due to multiple stab wounds some 15 minutes later, before the ambulance arrived. A girl attacked in the same incident survived by a chance – the knife got stuck in her backpack less than an inch from her body. There were several nazi mobs in the area each numbering 10-15 people attacking antifascists. The gig was cancelled a few bands in after some pepper spray was used and windows broken by unknown people. The attack appears to have been planned in advance with involvement of some FC Spartak hooligans.

Alexei’s survived by his mother and two younger sisters. The family is poor and they need material help for the funeral. (Russian residents can send money via, account number 4100164493592).

Nearly two years ago in Moscow 19 years old Alexander Ryukhin has been murdered by a nazi gang on his way to a hardcore gig. (directions on using WebMoney account)

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