Neonazi Attack in Berlin

[An interview with Clemens Hetzel, from Anti-Fascist Left, Berlin, published in Junge Welt (15 July 2009). Translated from German.]

On Sunday in the Berlin-Friedrichschain neighborhood [a formerly East Berlin district with a strong left, antifascist, punk, alternative, international, and hipster scene] there was a brutal attack from Neo-Nazis. What happened precisely?

Sunday morning around 6 o´clock, near the Frankfurter Allee subway station, Neo-Nazis first attacked leftists and then also randomly a group of passerby, who luckily were able to flee. As an uninvolved person crossed by, the Neo-Nazis attacked him until he lost consciousness. One of the Nazis dragged him onto the sidewalk, laid his face on the curb and kicked him in the back of the head with all of his might.

Read a translation of the complete interview on schalom libertad blog.

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