Call the Sheraton Great Valley Hotel in Frazer, PA!
Tell them to cancel the Stone Kingdom Ministries Neo-Nazi Conference
Scheduled for This Weekend!

Phone: (610) 524-5500
Fax: (610) 524-1808

On March 21st-23rd, Stone Kingdom Ministries, a “Christian Identity”
ministry based in Asheville, NC is coming to the Philadelphia area to
hold a “Spring Bible Conference.

” In reality, this so-called ministry
is coming to our area to preach hatred violence.

Christian Identity
adherents believe that white people are God’s chosen people, while all
non-whites are “mud people.

” Those who practice this “religion” are
virulently racist and anti-Semitic.

Despite its small number of adherents, Christian Identity is not an
ideology we can ignore.

In 1999, Buford Furrow, a member of the Aryan
Nations and a devout follower of Christian Identity, violently
attacked the daycare center at the North Valley Jewish Community
Center in Los Angeles, injuring three children, a counselor, and a

He also shot dead US Postal Service carrier Joseph
Ileto, specifically because he was Filipino-American.

A year before
these attacks, Furrow was reported as saying: “I am a white

I’ve been having suicidal and homicidal thoughts for some
time now … Sometimes I feel like I could just lose it and kill

” Obviously, those who subscribe to these beliefs are taught
decidedly un-Christian, genocidal and violent values.

We cannot allow a group that holds such violent beliefs to preach in
our community. It is imperative that we get this conference shut down.

To that end, we are asking all people who care about equality and
multi-culturalism to take some time out of their days (or nights)
during the rest of this week, and let the hotel management know that
we do not appreciate their providing a forum for racist hate speech,
and that no one will patronize their business while they support a
neo-Nazi agenda.

Ask them why they are allowing a hate group to use
their hotel this weekend, and let them know how you feel about their
support for neo-Nazis.

Call, fax or email the Sheraton Great Valley Hotel in Frazer, PA!

Ask for the general manager, the director of sales, and the person in
charge of booking meetings.

Please be polite to the people answering
the phones – save your anger for the hotel management who allow such
groups to utilize their spaces without first
checking to see that they are supporting a HATE GROUP.

Sheraton Great Valley Hotel
Phone: (610) 524-5500
Fax: (610) 524-1808

You can also call Sheraton’s parent company Starwood Hotels and

We’re sure people in the corporate headquarters would love to
hear what their staff in Frazer is up to.

Make sure to let them know
that no one will patronize ANY of their businesses,
including other large chains such as Westin, if they continue to
support fascists.

That means no business at ANY of their hotels from
the majority of Americans who believe in equality and freedom.

Call or
fax the Starwood Hotels:

Phone: (914) 640-8100
Fax: (914) 640-8310

You can also fill out their email contact form, which is located all
the way at the bottom of this page:

http://www. starwoodhotels. com/corporate/contact_us. html

We were successful last year in getting the Sheraton Park Ridge Hotel
and Conference Center in King of Prussia, PA to refuse to allow Stone
Kingdom Ministries to ever use their hotel again, after nine straight
years of meeting there.

This year, our goal is to get the conference
shut down before it even starts.

Call, fax and email – be angry, be firm, but be legal.

In solidarity,
Philadelphia Residents Against Racism

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