round up of Lansing anti-NSM news

i’m gonna post some links to various reports about this past weekends events in Lansing. it seems that there is a general thougt that the NSM had roughly 80 members present (although the NSM is claiming higher – 160) with 25 visible non-NSM supporters show up. the anti-racists who went to directly confront the NSM seemed to number between 700-900, while the Lansing city government sponsored diversity rally, Win The Day, had somewhere around 1,000 people show up throughout the day.

Hundreds Protest Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement in Lansing

White supremacists rally in Lansing, face protests

Nazi rally kept under control

Neo-Nazis, counter-protestors exchange shouts at State Capitol

Protesters herald a mix of messages

with the exception of the first link these are mainstream media reports and offer no critical view of the events. i hope to add some of these in the next few days.

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