russian neo-nazis

Three Way Fight



Why does the media – CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC, Harretz, etc – spend today going over and over again, with lots of video footage, of the bust of a supposed neo-Nazi group in Israel that beat up people and vandalized synagogues. The group, made up of Russian emigres who had at least some direct relative who had been of Jewish religious/cultural descent, were videoed attacking people and sieg heiling in front of a German flag.

But in the same mainstream press there was almost no reporting three weeks ago of the Russian Nazi’s (whether real or perhaps created by the Russian state agents as a way to spread propaganda against the regions actual growing far-right movement, with some estimates reaching 50,000) who kidnapped and murdered two men – one by beheading and one by blowing the poor mans brains out. The report and video emerged around August 15th. If there was reporting it was brief and buried.

Why do Nazis in Israel get coverage. But when Nazis murder two men of possible Muslim origin (one who was from Dagestan and one who was a Tajiki), and issue a video that makes any Jihadi beheading video look amateurish, seem to get a media blackout. Why is there “outrage” and questions of “how is this possible” when it’s over threats against Israelis, yet actual killings of Muslims by Russian neo-Nazis seem ignored?

more later.

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