About Us

This site is directed towards the revolutionary anti-capitalist movements that have emerged over the last several years. The rise of these movements shows the potential for radical struggle that breaks with parliamentary reformism and the remnants of the various state socialisms. However, much of this potential remains untapped. Our side is small, undeveloped and, in the recent past, mainly on the defensive. Our inability to consolidate a substantial political alternative out of the very real potentials points to the difficulty of the tasks.

The contributors to this site consider the fracturing of the global capitalist system to be a real possibility. However, there is no guarantee that political opposition to global capital will coalesce around a radical liberatory alternative. There is another opposition emerging – a reactionary neofascism that aims to overthrow the current capitalist hegemony and institute a radically different oppressive social order. This leads us to conclude that we are in a three way contest where the faultlines don’t conform to a simple “Us” and “Them”.

We have set up this site to contribute to the development of ideas for action. We need to clarify the actual political processes, not manufacture some new slogans, and work out some political strategies that aren’t just chewed over reruns of past debates and failures.

What you will find here is opinions, analysis, debate, and news covering the politics and culture of our current world and the new movement(s) we are attempting to create. Some posts may be long, in depth and part of ongoing discussions, while others may be short and to the point. What we are aiming for is the transmission of engaging and informative commentary.

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