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Direct Action

Direct Action

SHUT IT DOWN! Mass mobilization for Palestine cancels the first day of the 2024 California State Legislature

Xtn Alexander


For Palestine, hundreds of people took over the California State Capitol on January 3, 2024. The first day of the state’s legislature for the new year, or should we say, the attempted first day. The takeover forced the cancellation of the legislature’s session.

Student and worker struggles

Three Way Fight


two new posts from our friends at Gathering Forces:March 4th Student Strike Wrap Up &March Fourth Seattle by Mamos excerpts,“So what approach should we have to social democratic union and student government leaders in the meantime? ...

Calgary, Canada: Questions around violence and anti-fascist direct action

Three Way Fight


from Sketchy Thoughts excerpt:“The annual Aryan Guard propaganda event this year attracted 40-50 nazis, with the ARA counterdemo bringing out 400-500 people, many of them apparently passersby who joined in when they realized what was going ...

To the 2008 Anti Racist Action Network Conference

Three Way Fight


Solidarity from the antifascist webblog, threewayfight: an insurgent blog against fascism and the State. We wish your conference well and look forward to hearing of your organizing – now and for the future. We are facing ...

Direct Action? Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld knocked out at Gym

Three Way Fight


This occurred after giving testimony to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about how CEO Dick Fuld led his company, Lehman Brothers – one of the Wests largest financial services firms – into bankruptcy ...

Supporters of Antifa Queer Festival attacked in Serbia

Three Way Fight


At this very moment we’re in the middle of the 5th Queerbeograd festival in Belgrade, Serbia. The theme of the festival this year is ‘Direct Action & Antifascism’. The latter appeared again important when a group ...