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Genealogies of Anti-Fascism Book Review

New book by D.Z. Shaw, Genealogies of Antifascism: Militancy, Critique and the Three Way Fight

Xtn Alexander


We are excited to see this new collection of writings from D.Z. Shaw, Genealogies of Antifascism: Militancy, Critique and the Three Way Fight. This book puts together material found on the Three Way Fight site as well as new unpublished pieces. This book, along with Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism, while different in scope and content, should be seen as complimentary with the intent on deepening analysis, discussion and debate within the militant antifascist and anti-capitalist movements.
Three Way Fight Kickstarter Promo PM Press

Promotional kickstarter for the new book, Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism

Xtn Alexander


Global crisis. Political and social uncertainty. War, repression, death and displacement. The ruling classes struggling to maintain their systems legitimacy. The rise of popular far-right and radically reactionary movements asserting themselves electorally and in the streets. And yet, the world over, people see that the only way towards a better future built on dignity, justice and freedom is to organize and fight back. Here's some contributions to our movements from our movements.
Three Way Fight Book Out Soon!

Three Way Fight book announcement and excerpt

Xtn Alexander


We are publishing a book! Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism is forthcoming from PM Press and Kersplebedeb Publishing in May 2024.

SHUT IT DOWN! Mass mobilization for Palestine cancels the first day of the 2024 California State Legislature

Xtn Alexander


For Palestine, hundreds of people took over the California State Capitol on January 3, 2024. The first day of the state’s legislature for the new year, or should we say, the attempted first day. The takeover forced the cancellation of the legislature’s session.

Genocide Joe and the Second Nakba

Xtn Alexander


By Xtn Alexander     First, it’s gotta be said that the masses taking to the streets against the war on Gaza and the Palestinians is righteous. It is an angry and determined righteousness. Lockdowns and ...