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Anti-nazi protest planned for Philadelphia, October 19th

Three Way Fight


From Philadelphia Residents Against Racism: For the past 7 years, the city of Philadelphia has played host to a gathering of Neo-Nazis right under the noses of its residents. This gathering, known as “The Leif Ericson ...

Anti-fascist prisoner to be released

Three Way Fight


From the NYC Anarchist Black Cross: Alex Stuck of the Tinley Park 5 is due to be released from prison at the end of this month or by early November. So, Bloomington ABC [Anarchist Black Cross], ...

Greek fascism at a crossroads

Three Way Fight


About a week ago — following the recent murder of antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas — Greek police arrested eighteen leading members of the neonazi Golden Dawn party, including party head Nikolaos Michaloliakos, on charges of participating ...

International animal rights gathering and the struggle against fascism

Three Way Fight


Les Panthères Enragées (the Rabid Panthers) is a Toulouse-based group. Their website says, “We fight for animal liberation in a comprehensive approach against all forms of exploitation and domination.” They attended the International Animal Rights Gathering ...

Syrian Anarchist Challenges the Rebel/Regime Binary View of Resistance

Three Way Fight


This interview with Nader Atassi, published on Truthout, has been getting some well-deserved attention. Atassi cites a number of voices in Syria concerned with self-determination between two unsatisfactory poles — “not only anarchists, but Trotskyists, Marxists, ...

What do we mean by “fascism”?

Three Way Fight


[This post has been moved to a separate page on the Three Way Fight site.]

Anti-Racist Action benefit compilation CD now available

Three Way Fight


Reposted from Anti-Racist Action, July 28, 2013: It’s been a long wait but the Anti-Racist Action (ARA) compilation CDs have finally arrived and are ready to be sold. The funds from this CD go to the ...

Support California prisoners on hunger strike

Three Way Fight


“California holds nearly 12,000 people in extreme isolation at a cost of over $60 million per year. The cells have no windows, and no access to fresh air or sunlight. The United Nations condemns the use ...

About Three Way Fight

Three Way Fight


[This post has been moved to a separate page on the Three Way Fight site.]

Matthijs Krul on Nazi settler colonialism

Three Way Fight


It’s no secret that Nazi Germany set out to create a settler colonial empire in eastern Europe. But what role did this effort play in the larger Nazi project? How was it connected with Nazi economic, ...