Portland, Oregon says David Irving Not Welcome: Some Notes on July 19

Portland, Oregon says David Irving Not Welcome: Some Notes on July 19

On Sunday, July 19, approximately 50 anti-fascists and anti-racists made
their way to the Embassy Suites - Airport hotel in Portland, to oppose the
Holocaust-denier and neo-fascist David Irving, and the sympathizers who
had paid $24-$30 each to hear him talk. Although Irving's event was not
shut down, we consider our intervention to have been successful in sending
a clear message that fascist organizing is not welcome in our community,
and that Irving will be met with resistance. This was not only an
achievement for Rose City Antifa members, who were a minority within the
opposition to the event, it was also an important result for the broader
anti-racist community, which mobilized effectively and at short notice. We
believe that events such as that on Sunday set the stage for more
substantial victories in the future.

David Irving is a British writer of histories who has been involved with
the fascist political scene since the 1960s. Always known for the
pro-Hitler bias of his books, approximately two decades ago Irving made
the transition to being a fully-fledged Holocaust-denier. In addition to
spreading blatant historical lies, Irving has publicly stated that "The
Jews are the architects of their own misfortune". Although Irving has been
banned from several countries and even imprisoned for his Holocaust-denial
propagandizing and pro-Nazi agitation, he has been touring the United
States since the beginning of July.

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