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Noel Ignatiev on the fall of Gaddafi: “Their Disorder is Our Hope”
In a recent blog post at PM Press, Noel Ignatiev has some good comments on the collapse of Gaddafi’s government in Libya. Ignatiev criticizes those leftists who supported the NATO-backed rebels, and also those who, “in ...
Kathryn Joyce: A Feminist Who Reports on the Christian Right
If you want to understand the U.S. Christian right’s gender politics, Kathryn Joyce’s writings are an excellent place to start. Joyce exposes the patriarchal, misogynistic nature of Christian right principles and practices, but she also writes ...
Anders Breivik, Mainstream Islamophobia, and the Far Right
By Matthew N. Lyons Anders Behring Breivik has been called a neonazi and a Christian fundamentalist. Both of these labels are misleading, although both contain elements of truth. Breivik is an Islamophobe and a right-wing conspiracy ...
“We are not interested in a polemic,” — but we got one anyway.
TurningThe Tide has published a response to a previous article, Off the Nazis!…but how? We had previously linked to it and post this response here to continue the discussion. A response to Bring the Ruckus by ...
Right-Wing Movements 101
by Matthew N. Lyons Presentation at a political study retreat in Monroe, New York, on 5 June 2011. I’m going to try to give you an overview of right-wing movements in the U.S. and how they’ve ...
Signalfire post: “Homeland Security Department curtails home-grown terror analysis”
The leftist blog Signalfire has an interesting post about the federal government’s monitoring of domestic right-wing forces. From the article: “The Department of Homeland Security has stepped back for the past two years from conducting its ...
Liberalism’s Limits: A review of Burghart and Zeskind’s Tea Party Nationalism
by Matthew N. Lyons The Tea Party movement erupted largely as a backlash against Barack Obama’s election as president. Starting in February 2009, a series of local and then national protests invoked the anti-tax Boston Tea ...
On the potential and limitations of militant anti-fascism
Bring the Ruckus has published a thoughtful discussion of a recent confrontation between neo-nazis and militant anti-fascists in Trenton, New Jersey. The article raises a number of important issues related to anti-fascist organizing. From the article:“The ...
A Wall is Just a Wall…
Check out a new video mix by chicagoforthepeople featuring clips of the December 2010 Georgia prison strike, 1971 Attica rebellion, and the resistance to anti-immigrant racism in Arizona, set to the song “Jailer” by Asa:
Between the Zeal of the Young and the Patience of the Old: Reflections on Seattle’s Recent Upheavals Against Police Brutality
The following comes form friends at the Black Orchid Collective. While the article is particular to recent concersn and questions of orgaizing and strategy in Seattle, teher are broader dimenersions relevant to a range of the ...
Russian neo-Nazi gets life sentence for murdering lawyer and journalist
We have followed the growing Russian fascist movement and its terror attacks for the last few years. Previously we commented on and posted a video featuring murdered Russian human rights lawyer and antifascist Stanislav Markelov and ...
Does contemporary capitalism tend toward fascism?
A recent discussion of William Robinson’s article, Global Capitalism and 21st Century Fascism. We have taken this from the website, Khukuri. A contributor, John Steele, introduced the article saying, “We’ve had posts and discussions here on ...