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Three Way Fight Kickstarter Promo PM Press

Promotional kickstarter for the new book, Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism

Xtn Alexander


Global crisis. Political and social uncertainty. War, repression, death and displacement. The ruling classes struggling to maintain their systems legitimacy. The rise of popular far-right and radically reactionary movements asserting themselves electorally and in the streets. And yet, the world over, people see that the only way towards a better future built on dignity, justice and freedom is to organize and fight back. Here's some contributions to our movements from our movements.

Distinguishing The Possible From The Probable: Contending strategic approaches within and against transnational capitalism

Three Way Fight


The following article by Don Hamerquist has been published by our friends over at Kersplebedeb. Hamerquist’s document addresses class and social conflict, ruling class responses (actual and potentials) and the threats of emerging fascisms that are opposed to not ...

Prospects for Global Capitalism

Three Way Fight


graphic from CNN this past Thursday saw another market shake up with the Dow dropping nearly 7% and the S&P having a drop of over 4.8% . fears of a second coronavirus wave and a still ...

Between the Zeal of the Young and the Patience of the Old: Reflections on Seattle’s Recent Upheavals Against Police Brutality

Three Way Fight


The following comes form friends at the Black Orchid Collective. While the article is particular to recent concersn and questions of orgaizing and strategy in Seattle, teher are broader dimenersions relevant to a range of the ...

Student and worker struggles

Three Way Fight


two new posts from our friends at Gathering Forces:March 4th Student Strike Wrap Up &March Fourth Seattle by Mamos excerpts,“So what approach should we have to social democratic union and student government leaders in the meantime? ...

A New Fascism? A Dead Imperialism?

Three Way Fight


Below are reposts from an older exchange between Stan Goff and Don Hamerquist. The original discussion was posted on a version of the Bring The Ruckus!(BtR) website that is no longer in use. For reasons of ...

Michael Novick responds to Thinking and Acting in Real Time and a Real World

Three Way Fight


Comments to Thinking and Acting in Real Time and A Real World Thanks, Don and TWF for this, and for the link to Kali Akuno’s piece. I do know Kali and value his work and am ...

Barack, Badiou, and Bilal al Hasan

Three Way Fight


I wrote a draft of this in early December that had some limited circulation. This version moves the focus away from criticisms of the left responses to the Obama Afghanistan policy towards the policy itself. In ...

Response to Paretsky (2/19/09

Three Way Fight


I want to comment on a few of the issues raised in Nick Paretsky’s February post reacting to the piece I wrote earlier this year. I apologize for the delay in my response. I intend to ...

G20 and Anger Amid the Capitalist Crisis

Three Way Fight


We will be posting up bits from the G20 as they emerge – mainstream articles and videos as well as news and analysis seen from the radical lens. Despite growing global frustration and rage against the ...
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